THEODOR ADOLPH GLIEDT (1887-1964)THE SEVENTH GENERATION-GLIEDTPART ONEANDTHE FOURTH GENERATION-PÖPPELMEIERThis chapter open in the year 1887 with the birth of (#295) Theodor AdolphG7 Gliedt. Theodor Adolph better known as Adolph was the great, great, great, great grandson of EberdtG1 Glied; the great, great, great grandson of JobstG2 Glied; the great, great grandson of Albert HenrichG3 Glied; the great grandson of Albert HenrichG4 Glied; the grandson of HermannG5 Glied; and the (twin) son of Philipp GottliebG6 Gliedt and his wife, Hanne FriederikeG3 Gliedt nee Pöppelmeier. He was also the great grandson of BernhardG1 Pöppelmeier, and the grandson of HermannG2 Pöppelmeier and his wife, Anne CatharineG5 Pöppelmeier nee Glied. His common ancestor was Albert HenrichG4 Glied. 1887 was the year that Theodore Roosevelt published the first volume of "The Winning of the West". It was also the year that Annie Oakley, the 27 year old sharp shooter, was traveling with Buffalo Bill's Wild West Show.1 The setting for the beginning of this chapter is now the Freistatt locale of Lawrence Co., MO. 1887 was the first year that Gottlieb and Hanne lived in this area. Freistatt, a growing community, appealed to Gottlieb and Hanne because they shared a common German heritage, language and religion with the people living here. Gottlieb and Hanne became a part of the community. They joined the Evangelical (Trinity) Lutheran Church, and shopped at Biermann's General Merchandise Store at Freistatt where the Post Office was located. In Feb of 1887, shortly after Gottlieb and Hanne arrived in the area, the Farmer's Mutual Insurance Company was organized with its headquarters at Freistatt.2 On 28 Nov 1887, Gottlieb and Hanne celebrated their eighteenth wedding anniversary. In the eighteen years of their marriage, Hanne had given birth to eleven children including two sets of twins. Their eight surviving children included three daughters and five sons. Ten days after their anniversary, Hanne gave birth to her last set of twins, (#295) Theodor Adolph and (#296) Robert Martin. Only Adolph's story is covered in this chapter. The story about his twin brother, (#296) Robert Martin, is told in Chapter Sixteen.
295. THEODOR ADOLPHG7 GLIEDT (Eberdt,G1 Jobst,G2 Albert Henrich,G3 Albert Henrich,G4 HermannG5 ) (PöppelmeierG4 : Bernhard,G1 HermannG2 ), the twelfth child of Philipp GottliebG6 and Hanne FriederikeG3 Gliedt nee Pöppelmeier, was born on 8 Dec 1887 at his parents' home located in Lawrence Co., MO. Theodor Adolph, better known as Adolph, and his identical twin brother, Robert Martin were baptized on 8 Jan 1888 by Pastor Johannes Roschke at the Evangelical (Trinity) Lutheran Church of Freistatt, MO. Adolph's sponsors were his uncle, Wilhelm Breder, and his grandmother, Anna Poeppelmeier.3 Adolph and Martin were two and one-half years old, when their mother gave birth to Ernst in Jun of 1890. The twins grew up on their father's farm located in the Freistatt area of Lawrence Co., MO. The entrance age for the Christian Day School at Freistatt was eight. So when the boys were old enough, they attended the Christian Day School Monday through Friday during the winter. The boys were taught the school curriculum in German along with some English. By the turn of the century, Adolph had seen his older sister, Auguste, marry Ernst Kaiser, in May of 1893 and his sister, Anna, marry Leonhard(t) Kaiser, in May of 1897. He had seen the village of Freistatt grow into a thriving town which had businesses such as the Freistatt Creamery Company which was built in 1893; the Freistatt Milling Company created in 1894; the Schoen Hotel. Frank Wendler was the Village Blacksmith; H. F. Brockschmidt was a dealer of Light and Heavy Harness; and W. J. Rutledge was the resident physician. During the years 1900-1910, Adolph grew into a fine Christian man, and became a farmer like his father and brothers. Adolph was almost twelve and a half years old when his older brother, Hermann, married Anna Doennig, in May of 1900. On 19 Jun 1900, Wiley Rutledge, the enumerator for the Twelfth U.S. Census, stopped by Gottlieb Gliedt's farm, located in Freistatt Township of Lawrence Co., MO. Mr. Rutledge listed Adolph on the census form as Otto W, age 12, and that he had attended school for ten months within the past year.4 Adolph and his twin brother, Martin, were confirmed on 31 Mar 1901 by Pastor Johannes Roschke at the Evangelical (Trinity) Lutheran Church of Freistatt, MO.5 Adolph was nicknamed "Pastor".6 He earned his nickname because of his pleasant-sounding voice which could be heard even in a group of people, like a pastor.7 Over the years, Adolph's siblings married and left home. In Jul of 1902, Adolph attended the double wedding of his brother, Henry and Minna Doennig, and his sister, Louise and Wilhelm (Bill) Doennig. Adolph's brother, Fred, was the next to get married. He married Martha Meinert in Aug of 1906. Adolph was eighteen at this time. In Apr 1907, Adolph's brother, Bill, married Bertha Meinert. On 31 Jul 1909, Adolph's sister-in-law, Martha Gliedt nee Meinert, died. Within a month, Adolph's brother, Paul, married Lena Oexmann, on 24 Aug 1909. In Apr of 1910, William L. Howard, the enumerator for the Thirteenth U.S. Census, visited Gottlieb Gliedt's farm, still located in Freistatt Township in Lawrence Co., MO. Mr. Howard found Adolph, age 22; Martin, age 22; and Ernst, age 19, still living in their father's household, and that the three brothers worked on their father's general farm.8 Shortly after this census was taken, Adolph's sister, Auguste, her husband, Ernst Kaiser, and their kids, moved to the Cole Camp area of Benton Co., MO. Auguste and Ernst were the first members of the family to move away from the Freistatt. The people living in the Freistatt area of Lawrence Co., MO were a close knit community, with the Evangelical Church (Trinity) serving as it's center.9 Everyone knew or had heard of everyone living in this community. So that when Ernest Oexmann, who was born in Apr of 1858 in Prussia, came to America in 1876,10 and made his way to the Freistatt locale, he met his future bride, Caroline Kliene. Caroline Kliene, who was born in Sep of 1863 in Prussia, came to America in 1866,11 and settled in Lawrence Co., MO. On 18 Jun 1884, Ernest and Caroline applied for their marriage license at Mt. Vernon, Lawrence Co., MO. Ernest Oexmann and Caroline Kliene were married by Pastor Johannes Roschke at Freistatt, MO on 20 Jun 1884.12 Caroline became the mother of eight children, three daughters and five sons. Over the years, the Oexmann family lived in various place in Missouri including Wheatland Township in Hickory Co., Van Buren Township in Newton Co., and Sarcoxie Township in Jasper Co. When William P. Murphy, the enumerator for the Twelfth U.S. Census visited the Oexmann's farm located in Wheatland Township, MO, he found that Ernest and Caroline had six children: Fred, age 15; Louis, age 13; Lena L., age 12; Alma M., age 10; Willie, age 7; and Herman, age 2. Alma had attended school for six months along with her brothers and sister.13 Two of their daughters married two of Gottlieb and Hanne Gliedt's sons. In Aug of 1909, Lena Oexmann married Paul Gliedt. When the Thirteenth U.S. Census was enumerated by Mr. Fleetwood in Apr of 1910, he found Ernest and Caroline Oexmann living with their children: Louis, age 22; Alma, age 19; William, age 17; Herman, age 13; Erna, age 9; and Walter, age 4, in Van Buren Township, MO.14 When Adolph's brother, Fred, remarried in Sep of 1910, Fred, asked Adolph to be one of the witnesses. So Adolph, and his brother, Martin, along with Alma Oexmann, and Pauline Doennig, witnessed the marriage of Fred and Clara Gliedt nee Doennig.
In the fall of 1910, Adolph married his sister-in-law, Alma Oexmann. Adolph, of Freistatt, MO and Alma Oexmann, of Sarcoxie, Jasper Co., MO applied for their marriage license on 7 Nov 1910 at the county clerk's office at Mt. Vernon, MO. On 13 Nov 1910, Theodor Adolph Gliedt, age 23, wed ALMA WILHELMINE OEXMANN, age 20. They were married by Pastor Oscar Kaiser at Trinity Lutheran Church of Sarcoxie, MO.15
Alma (1890-1977), the daughter of Ernest and Caroline (Lena) Oexmann nee Kliene, was born on 13 May 1890 at her parents' farm, probably located at that time, in the Freistatt area of Lawrence Co., MO. She was baptized Alma Wilhelmine on 25 May 1890, by Pastor Johannes Roschke at the Evangelical (Trinity) Lutheran Church at Freistatt, MO. Her sponsors were Wilhelmine Kliene, Mina Krehmeier and Minna Huerkamp.16 She was confirmed on 27 Mar 1904.17 Shortly after Adolph and Alma were married, Gottlieb and Hanne decided to sell part of their farm to their sons, Adolph and Martin. On 27 Feb 1911, Gottlieb and Hanne sold a tract of land to Adolph and Martin which was described as the West half of the Southwest quarter and the Southwest quarter of the Northwest quarter in Section (17) and the East half of the Southeast quarter of Section (18), all in Township (27), Range (27), containing in all 200 acres more or less.18 So Adolph and Alma, and Martin and his bride shared the 200 acres of land. In Sep of 1912, Mr. Peirce, of Winnebago, IL, subdivided 3590+ acres located in the Shipman and Charles League in Brazoria Co., TX, into blocks and farm lots in the subdivision to be known as the C. L. Peirce Subdivision, of a portion of the Shipman and Charles League. Mr. Peirce was also President of the "Linwood Ranch Company".19 Soon, Mr. Peirce's action would effect the lives of Adolph and his wife, Alma. On 12 Oct 1912, Alma gave birth to her first child, Velma.20 The next month, on 10 Nov 1912, Adolph's twin brother, Martin, married Alma Lampe at New Minden, IL. By the fall/winter of 1912, the sale of Mr. C. L. Peirce's farm lots, located in Brazoria Co., TX, were being advertised in Freistatt. These Texas farm lots were being publicized as being rich in soil and minerals. Here was the opportunity of a lifetime, to be able to participate in the creating of a new village. It was also the chance to get rich, since sulphur and oil had already been discovered in parts of Brazoria Co., TX. After hearing about the land in Texas, Adolph's mother was convinced that "it was a good deal". Adolph's mother tried unsuccessfully to convince her husband, Gottlieb, to sell up and move to Texas. So, she turned her efforts to her children, encouraging them to sell up and move.21 The entire Gliedt family was invited over to the Gliedt farm located on the Schwarze Bottom on the Spring River one Sunday afternoon, so that Adolph's bother, Henry, along with Ryan Schmeling, and Henry Aufdembrink, could talk to them about the Texas land deal. Some of the men were interested in Mr. Peirce's farm lots, and went to Texas in 1913, to see the land.22 Adolph and Martin probably went to Texas at this time. On New Years Day, 1 Jan 1914, Adolph, and his brothers, Martin; Fred; Henry; William (Bill); and Hermann; along with H. W. (Bill) Doennig, his brother-in-law; and Louis Holtmann, bought farm lots from Mr. C. L. Peirce. Mr. Peirce had Adolph's contract notarized at Hoberg, Lawrence Co., MO on 14 Jan 1914. Adolph agreed to make a down payment on the land, to be followed by four promissory notes payable on 1 Jan 1915, 1916, 1917, and 1918. His tract of land was described as 100 acres of land, being farm lots or tracts numbered (9), (10), (11), (12), and (13) all in Block number (5) of the C. L. Peirce Subdivision of a portion of the Shipman and Charles League, in Brazoria Co., TX.23 Adolph's lots adjoined Paul's, Hermann's, and Martin's lots. On 26 Feb 1914, Adolph; his wife, Alma; Martin; and his wife, Alma; sold to William Spree, 80 acres of land which was described as the East half of the Southeast quarter of Section (18), Township (27), of Range (27), located in Lawrence Co., MO.24 On 3 Mar 1914, Adolph paid off his promissory notes on his Texas farm lots.25 Then on 26 Mar 1914, Adolph sold to his brother, Paul, forty acres described as being farm lots or tracts numbered (12) and (13) in Block number (5) of the C. L. Peirce Subdivision of a portion of the Shipman and Charles League, in Brazoria Co., TX.26 One by one, Adolph's siblings and their families moved away. Adolph's sister, Louise, and her husband, William (Bill) Doennig, were one of the first to move to Brazoria Co., TX. In the spring of 1914, Adolph's sister, Anna; her husband, Leonhard(t) Kaiser; and their children moved to the Cole Camp area of Benton Co., MO, where their sister, Auguste, and her husband, Ernst Kaiser lived. Finally, only Adolph; his wife, Alma; his brother, Ernst; and his parents remained in Freistatt. On 7 Jul 1914, Adolph's father, died. Alma was pregnant at this time with her second child, so they stayed in Freistatt until after Alma gave birth to her second child, Mildred, in Sep of 1914. Adolph's brother, Ernst, and his mother, began making plans to move to Brazoria Co., TX, too. By the time Adolph and Alma moved to Texas, war had broken out in Europe. Their farm in Brazoria Co., TX was located in a fairly isolated region. So they were spared from much of the anti-German sentiment which ran high in other parts of the country. Adolph faced many of the same problems that his brothers did. His land was also fairly flat prairie grassland, and drainage was always a problem. Even after a hard rain, the excess water would remain long enough to damage his crops, and provide an ideal breeding place for mosquitoes, which spread diseases, such as malaria.27 Since there was no church in the area, the various families would occasionally meet at Adolph and Alma's home, for reading services. Adolph and Alma owned an organ, and so the Sunday reading services were enhanced with music from their organ.28 On 16 Aug 1915, a hurricane hit the Galveston area of Texas,29 about 55 miles from Adolph's place. It had winds in excess of 100 m.p.h., and lasted for 48 hours.30 The damage caused by the water was greater than the wind damage. The heavy rains from the hurricane caused the nearby San Bernard River to flood, leaving water standing on Adolph's and his brothers' land, damaging their crops. After the hurricane, some of Adolph's brothers were having financial difficulties, and were facing payments on their promissory notes. On 7 Oct 1915, Adolph, along with his brothers, William, Ernst, Henry, Fred, Martin, Paul, and Hermann signed agreements, leasing the mineral rights to their lands, to Mr. C. L. Peirce.31 Shortly after the signing of these agreements, Adolph's brother, Paul, became ill and died. Within a few days, Adolph's nephew, Oscar, also died. Adolph only owned 60 acres of land, but it was his free and clear, while his brothers owned much larger farms and were struggling to pay off their promissory notes. Once again, the families, dispirited, gathered together to discuss whether to stay or move on. Since 1914, The Rev. Dautenhahn, of St. Paul's Evangelical Lutheran Church at Fairland, OK, had written several letters to the editor of the widely read German newspaper, Rundshau, promoting the farming opportunities for German speaking people in Oklahoma. Someone had heard that there were some farms available for rent, near Fairland in Ottawa Co., OK. It was decided that the families would move. The long-time residents of the area were astonished at the sudden departure of the families. Some of the families just up and left, leaving behind many of their belongings.32 One by one the families moved away.
By the spring of 1916, Adolph, Alma, and their two daughters, Velma and Mildred, had settled in the community of Fairland, OK, and became members of St. Paul Evangelical Lutheran Church at Fairland. Adolph still owned his farm land in Brazoria Co., TX, and so on 16 Apr 1916, Adolph made an agreement to lease the mineral rights to his land in Brazoria Co., TX, to Frank Gaines.33 In Feb of 1917, Alma gave birth to her third and last child, Marvin. Adolph's brothers, Henry and his wife, Minna; Fred and his wife, Clara; Hermann and his wife, Anna; Martin and his wife, Alma; Ernst; and his brother-in-law, William (Bill) Doennig and his wife, Louise34 also moved to this community, and became members of St. Paul's Evangelical Lutheran Church at Fairland. Even though Adolph's siblings moved on after a short stay at Fairland, Adolph and Alma, decided to stay, and make their home at Fairland. The first to leave Fairland, was Adolph's brother-in-law, William (Bill) Doennig. Adolph's sister, Louise Doennig became ill, and so her husband, William (Bill) moved his family to Freistatt to be near a doctor. Adolph and Alma mourned when they learned that Louise had died in Jun of 1917.
World War One was still raging in Europe at this time, and in Apr of 1917, the U.S. entered the war. Adolph's younger brother, Ernst, was drafted in Sep of 1917. The war years were difficult for the Gliedt families, as well as for the members of St. Paul's Evangelical Lutheran Church. The church services and the Christian Day School were still being conducted in German. Some of the non-Lutheran people living in the area were suspicious of the members of the "German" church, and targeted the members with mockery. The church was vandalized, and some of the members were mistreated. As a result of the anti-German sentiment, the German Language was suspended in 1918, for several years.35 It was during 1918, that the rest of Adolph's brothers and their families moved to the area near Chelsea, OK. On 31 Dec 1918, Mr. Gaines released his claims to the mineral rights of Adolph's land in Texas, after he failed to perform any of the obligations in regards to the mineral rights agreement.36 Finally, on 6 Jan 1919 at Fairland, OK, Adolph and Alma of Ottawa Co., OK sold to J. L. Bryan of Brazoria Co., TX, their 60 acres of land described as farm lots (9), (10) and (11) in Block number (5) in the C. L. Peirce Subdivision of a part of the Shipman and Charles League in Brazoria Co., TX.37 5 When the Fourteenth U.S. Census was enumerated in Jan of 1920, Adolph, age 32, owned his farm located in Fairland. Adolph was the head of the household that included his wife Alma, age 29, and their three children: Velma, age 7; Mildred, age 5, and Marvin, age 2.38 Adolph and Alma settled permanently in Fairland. They lived across the road from St. Paul's Lutheran Church, and because of his nearness, Adolph was drafted for the job of custodian for St. Paul's for many years. Adolph was also a farmer and stockman. Adolph and his neighbor, Arnold Winter owned their first combine in partnership.39 When their children were old enough, Adolph and Alma sent them to the Christian Day School at St. Paul's. Alma joined the Dorcas Society when it was organized in 1923, and was an active member for over thirty years.40 Arnold Winter writes, "Adolph's children began spelling their name "Gleidt" while in high school." So the Gleidt spelling will be used in the following story for Adolph's children.
Front: Marvin Gleidt. 1 Adolph Gliedt, age 77, died from a heart attack on 8 Sep 1964 at Fairland, Ottawa Co., OK. He was buried on 10 Sep 196441 in St. Paul's Cemetery at Fairland, OK. Alma Gliedt nee Oexmann, age 86, died on 23 Mar 1977 at Fairland, OK, and was also buried in St. Paul's Cemetery at Fairland, OK.42 The three children of Adolph and Alma Gliedt nee Oexmann:
762. VELMA CAROLINE JOHANNAG8 GLEIDT (PöppelmeierG5 ) (1912- ), the first child of Adolph and Alma Gliedt nee Oexmann, was born on 12 Oct 1912, at her parents' farm located in Freistatt Township of Lawrence Co., MO. She was baptized on 26 Oct 1912 at the Evangelical (Trinity) Lutheran Church of Freistatt, MO. Her sponsors were her grandparents, Ernest and Caroline Oexmann, and her grandmother, Johanna (Hanne) Gliedt.43 Velma was about two years old when her family moved to Texas, and about three and a half years old when the family moved to Fairland, Ottawa Co., OK. Velma attended the Christian Day School held at St. Paul's.44 The Christian Day School at St. Paul's was discontinued in May of 1931 and replaced with a Saturday School.45 Velma received instruction in the Lutheran Faith and was confirmed on 16 May 1926 at St. Paul's Evangelical Lutheran Church of Fairland, OK. Her memory verse was Hebrew 13, 5.46 On 5 Nov 1940, Velma Caroline Johanna Gleidt wed HARRY JAMES KENREIGH. They were married at the Methodist Church in Joplin, Jasper Co., MO.47 Harry (1912-1988), the son of John Robert and Edna P. Kenreigh nee Sleight, was born on 3 Jul 1912 at Parsons, KS. Harry worked for B. F. Goodrich as a general foreman. In his spare time, he liked to play golf. Harry died on 3 Oct 1988 and was buried in the Fairview Cemetery at Vinita, Craig Co., OK.48 The children of Harry and Velma Kenreigh nee Gleidt: 763. Jenee, and 766. Carol.
769. MILDRED CAROLINE LOUISEG8 GLEIDT (PöppelmeierG5 ) (1914-1961), the second child of Adolph and Alma Gliedt nee Oexmann, was born on 16 Sep 1914 at her parents' farm located in Freistatt Township of Lawrence Co., MO. She was baptized on 27 Sep 1914 by Pastor Johannes Roschke at the Evangelical (Trinity) Lutheran Church of Freistatt, MO. Her sponsors were Caroline Gliedt (absent), Louise Doennig (absent), and Louis Oexmann. Minna Spree and Lizzie Doennig were her witnesses.61 Mildred was an infant when the family moved to their new farm located in Block (5) of the C. L. Peirce subdivision of a portion of the Shipman and Charles League in Brazoria Co., TX. She was one year old when the family moved to Fairland in Ottawa Co., OK. She attended the Christian Day School at St. Paul's until the Day School was replaced, in May of 1931, by Saturday School.62 Mildred was confirmed on 20 May 1928 at St. Paul's Evangelical Lutheran Church of Fairland, OK. Her memory verse was Isaiah 54:10.63 Mildred worked at the F. N. Bank of Fairland for quite a few years before her marriage.64 In Feb of 1945, Mildred Caroline Louise Gleidt wed ROBERT JAMES POSEY at Pampa, Gray Co., TX. Robert, better known as Bob, was employed by Mobil Oil Company. Bob and Mildred enjoyed playing golf. Mildred Posey nee Gleidt died on 14 Dec 1961 in Dallas, Dallas Co., TX and was buried on 16 Dec 1961 in Dallas, TX. They had no children.65 770. MARVIN HERMANNG8 GLEIDT (PöppelmeierG5 ) (1917-1968), the third and last child of Adolph and Alma Gliedt nee Oexmann, was born on 23 Feb 1917 at his parents' farm located in Fairland Township of Ottawa Co., OK. He was baptized on 18 Mar 1917 by Pastor Dautenhahn at St. Paul's Evangelical Lutheran Church of Fairland, OK. His sponsors were his uncle, Hermann Gliedt,and his aunt, Clara Gliedt.66 Marvin grew up in the Fairland area of Oklahoma. He attended the Christian Day School at St. Paul's until it was replaced by Saturday School, in May of 1931. He received instruction in the Lutheran Faith and was confirmed on 4 Mar 1930 at St. Paul's Evangelical Lutheran Church in Fairland, OK. His Bible verse was Col. 3:17.67 Arnold Winter writes, "I am not quite a year older than Marvin was, and we spent a lot of time together. For several years, he and a few friends from town would ride Adolph's horses or mules out here many Sunday afternoons to play ball or other games. After he got out of the service, or retired after about 20 years, he lived about a quarter mile east of us."68 On 12 Mar 1946, Marvin Hermann Gleidt wed GLADYS HOPE AULDEN at Columbus, KS.69 Gladys (1917-1976) was born on 14 Sep 1917.70 Marvin was discharged from the army after fourteen years of service. He was then employed by the B. F. Goodrich Company. Marvin was also interested in farming. Marvin Hermann Gleidt died on 17 Apr 1968 at Fairland, OK and was buried on 20 Apr 1968 in St. Paul's Cemetery at Fairland, OK. Gladys Gleidt nee Aulden died in Aug of 1976 and was buried in St. Paul's Cemetery at Fairland, OK.71 The children of Marvin and Gladys Gleidt nee Aulden: 771. Gary, 773. Roger, and 774. Warren. End-Notes1 Chronicle of America, (Mount Kisco, NY: Chronicle Publications), pp. 475-477.2 Lawrence County, Missouri History, (Mt. Vernon, MO: Historical Society, 1974), p. 148. 3 Missouri, Lawrence County, Freistatt, Trinity Lutheran Church, Computer printout of Baptismal Record found in Book-1, entry #299. Submitted by Evelyn Nelson and Fae Gliedt, Monett, MO, 1990. NOTE: HIS FATHER IS LISTED AS GOTTLIEB GLIEDT AND HIS MOTHER AS HANNA PEPPELMEIER. PEPPELMEIER IS A VARIANT OF PÖPPELMEIER. ADOLPH IS ALSO SPELLED ADOLF IN SOME OF THE CHURCH AND CIVIL RECORDS. 4 Missouri, Lawrence County, Freistatt Township, 1900 U.S. Census, NAR film #T628/870, p. 331, ED-89, Sheet-8A, 132/135. 5 Missouri, Lawrence County, Freistatt, Trinity Lutheran Church, Confirmation Record extracted from original Church Book-1, entry #349. Submitted by Evelyn Nelson and Fae Gliedt, Monett, MO, 1990. 6 Nickname courtesy of Martha Kaiser, Cole Camp, MO. 7 Nickname information submitted by Martha Kaiser, Cole Camp, MO. 8 Missouri, Lawrence County, Freistatt Township, 1910 U.S. Census, FHL film #1374808, SD-13, ED-91, Sheet-1B, line-43, 29/29. 9 Pierce City Centennial August 6-9, 100 Birthday, (Cassville, MO: Litho Printers, 1970), p. 35. 10 Missouri, Hickory County, Wheatland Township, 1900 U.S. Census, FHL film #1240858, SD-6, ED-101, 129/129. 11 Ibid. Figure 2: Adolph and Alma Gliedt nee Oexmann. 13 Nov 1910, Sarcoxie, MO. 12 Missouri, Lawrence County, Vital Records, Marriages, FHL film #0930950, Vol.-D, p. 241. Figure 2: Adolph and Alma Gliedt nee Oexmann. 13 Nov 1910, Sarcoxie, MO. 13 Missouri, Hickory County, Wheatland Township, 1900 U.S. Census, FHL film #1240858, SD-6, ED-101, Sheet-7A, line-29, 129/129. Figure 2: Adolph and Alma Gliedt nee Oexmann. 13 Nov 1910, Sarcoxie, MO. 14 Missouri, Newton County, Van Buren Township, 1910 U.S. Census, FHL film #1374815, SD-13, ED-133, Sheet-7A, line-26, 120/123. Figure 2: Adolph and Alma Gliedt nee Oexmann. 13 Nov 1910, Sarcoxie, MO. 15 Missouri, Lawrence County, Vital Records, Marriages, FHL film #0932753, Vol.-K, p. 311, 1910. Sarcoxie Lutheran Church, S 9th & Franklin, Sarcoxie, MO. Figure 3: Alma Wilhelmine Oexmann. 16 Missouri, Lawrence County, Freistatt, Trinity Lutheran Church, Computer printout of Baptismal Record found in Book-1, entry #392. Submitted by Evelyn Nelson and Fae Gliedt, Monett, MO, 1990. NOTE: The surname Kliene also spelled Kline and Kleine in the various church and civil records. 17 Confirmation Information submitted by Velma Kenreigh, Miami, OK, Feb 1991. 18 Missouri, Lawrence County, Mt. Vernon, County Clerk, Land Records, Book-115, p. 597. Photocopy of original record courtesy of Edward Tomblin, Monett, MO, 1990. 19 Texas, Brazoria County, Angleton, County Clerk, Map Records, Vol.-2, p. 85-86. Photocopy of original record courtesy of Diane Kropp, Pearland, TX, Oct 1990. 20 Information submitted by Velma Kenreigh, Miami, OK, Feb 1991. 21 Family tradition, information submitted by John Doennig, Chelsea, OK. Information also submitted by Martha Kaiser, Cole Camp, MO. 22 Family tradition says that the men traveled to Texas in 1913 to view the land with the purpose of buying the land. Information submitted by John Doennig, Chelsea, OK, 1990. The men probably traveled to Texas later, as they all purchased land on 1 Jan 1914 in Texas. 23 Texas, Brazoria County, Angleton, County Clerk, Land Records, Book-126, p. 216. Photocopy of original record courtesy of Diane Kropp, Pearland, TX, Oct 1990. 24 Missouri, Lawrence County, Mt. Vernon, County Clerk, Land Records, Book-124, p. 338. Photocopy of original record courtesy of Edward Tomblin, Monett, MO, 1990. 25 Texas, Brazoria County, Angleton, County Clerk, Land Records, Book-128, p. 583. Photocopy of original record courtesy of Diane Kropp, Pearland, TX, Oct 1990. 26 Ibid., Book 127, p. 57. 27 Information from Brazoria County History submitted by Diane Kropp, Pearland, TX, Oct 1990. 28 Information submitted by John Doennig, Chelsea, OK, 1990. 29 A. Ray Stephens and William M. Holmes, Historical Atlas of Texas, (Norman, OK: University of Oklahoma Press, 1989), p. 44. 30 Edith B. McGinnis, I Remember, submitted by Diane Kropp, Pearland, TX, Oct 1990. 31 Texas, Brazoria County, Angleton, County Clerk, Mineral Leases, Book-132, p. 223. Photocopy of original record courtesy of Diane Kropp, Pearland, TX, Oct 1990. 32 Telephone conversation with Mr. & Mrs. Mcloud, Newgulf, TX. Mrs. Mcloud's great uncle sold the land to our families. 33 Texas, Brazoria County, Angleton, County Clerk, Land Records, Book-132, p. 631. Photocopy of original record courtesy of Diane Kropp, Pearland, TX, Oct 1990. 34 Oklahoma, Ottawa County, Fairland, St. Paul Evangelical Lutheran Church Records, Membership list of 1914-1916. Photocopy of original record courtesy of the Pastor of St. Paul's Lutheran Church, Fairland, OK, 1991. 35 A Brief History of St. Paul Evangelical Lutheran Congregation, Fairland, Oklahoma, p. 5. Submitted by Arnold Winter, Fairland, OK, 1991. 36 Texas, Brazoria County, Angleton, County Clerk, Book-147, p. 346. Photocopy of original record courtesy of Diane Kropp, Pearland, TX, Oct 1990. 5 37 Ibid., p. 52. 5 38 Oklahoma, Ottawa County, Afton, Fairland, Ward 3, 1920 U.S. Census, NAR film #T625/1481, SD-1, ED-109, Sheet-6A, line-28, 109/109. 39 Information submitted by Arnold Winter, Fairland, OK, 1991. Figure 5: Left to Right: Velma Gleidt, Alma (Oexmann) Gliedt, Mildred Gleidt, Adolph Gliedt, Lena (Oexmann Gliedt) Hermanstorfer, and Lora Gliedt. Front: Marvin Gleidt. 1 40 A Brief History of St. Paul Evangelical Lutheran Congregation, Fairland, Oklahoma, p. 15. Submitted by Arnold Winter, Fairland, OK, 1991. Figure 5: Left to Right: Velma Gleidt, Alma (Oexmann) Gliedt, Mildred Gleidt, Adolph Gliedt, Lena (Oexmann Gliedt) Hermanstorfer, and Lora Gliedt. Front: Marvin Gleidt. 1 41 Oklahoma, Ottawa County, Fairland, St. Paul Evangelical Lutheran Church, Death Records, p. 347, entry #3, 1964. Photocopy of original record courtesy of the Pastor of St. Paul's Lutheran Church, Fairland, OK, 1991. 42 Information submitted by Velma Kenreigh, Miami, OK, Feb 1991. 43 Birth/Baptismal information submitted by Velma Kenreigh, Miami, OK, Feb 1991. 44 A Brief History of St. Paul Evangelical Lutheran Congregation, Fairland, Oklahoma, p. 14. Submitted by Arnold Winter, Fairland, OK, 1991. 45 Ibid., p. 6. 46 Oklahoma, Ottawa County, Fairland, St. Paul Evangelical Lutheran Church, Confirmation Records, p. 214, Entry #6, 1926. Photocopy of original record courtesy of the Pastor of St. Paul's Lutheran Church, Fairland, OK, 1991. NOTE: Birth information given on Confirmation Record. 47 Marriage information submitted by Velma Kenreigh, Miami, OK, Feb 1991. 48 Information in this section submitted by Velma Kenreigh, Miami, OK, Feb 1991. Figure 6: Left to Right: Carol Kenreigh, Alma Gliedt, and Jenee Kenreight. Oct 1953. Photo courtesy of Velma Kenreigh. 49 Information in this section submitted by Jenee Donovan, Houston, TX, Apr 1991. 50 Information in this section submitted by Velma Kenreigh, Miami, OK, Feb 1991. 51 Confirmation information submitted by Jenee Donovan, Houston, TX, Apr 1991. 52 Information in this section submitted by Velma Kenreigh, Miami, OK, Feb 1991. Information also submitted by Jenee Donovan, Houston, TX, Apr 1991, 1992. 53 Ibid. 54 Ibid. 55 Information in this section submitted by Velma Kenreigh, Miami, OK, Feb 1991. 56 Information in this section submitted by Jenee Donovan, Houston, TX, Apr 1991. 57 Ibid. 58 Information in this section submitted by Velma Kenreigh, Miami, OK, Feb 1991. 59 Ibid. 60 Ibid. 61 Missouri, Lawrence County, Freistatt, Trinity Lutheran Church, Computer printout of Baptismal Record found in Book-1, entry #998. Submitted by Evelyn Nelson and Fae Gliedt, Monett, MO, 1990. NOTE: HER FATHER IS LISTED AS ADOLF GLIEDT ON THE COMPUTER PRINTOUT. 62 A Brief History of St. Paul Evangelical Lutheran Congregation, Fairland, Oklahoma, p. 6. Submitted by Arnold Winter, Fairland, OK, 1991. 63 Oklahoma, Ottawa County, Fairland, St. Paul Evangelical Lutheran Church, Confirmation Records, p. 215, entry #6, 1929. Photocopy of original record courtesy of the Pastor of St. Paul's Lutheran Church, Fairland, OK, 1991. 64 Employment information submitted by Arnold, Winter, Fairland, OK, 1991. 65 Information in this section submitted by Velma Kenreigh, Miami, OK, Feb 1991. 66 Oklahoma, Ottawa County, Fairland, St. Paul Evangelical Lutheran Church, Baptismal Records, p. 36, 1917, entry #35/1. Photocopy of original record courtesy of the Pastor of St. Paul's Lutheran Church, Fairland, OK, 1991. 67 Ibid., Confirmation Records, p. 215, entry #5, 1930. 68 Information in this section submitted by Arnold Winter, Fairland, OK, Oct 1990. 69 Marriage information submitted by Velma Kenreigh, Fairland, OK, Feb 1991. 70 Birth information submitted by Velma Kenreigh, Miami, OK, Feb 1991. 71 Information in this section submitted by Velma Kenreigh, Miami, OK, Feb 1991. 72 Ibid. 73 Telephone conversation with Kathleen Gleidt, Fairland, OK, 1992. 74 Information in this section submitted by Velma Kenreigh, Miami, OK, Feb 1991 75 Ibid. 76 Telephone conversation with Kathleen Gleidt, Fairland, OK, 1992. 77 Ibid. 78 Ibid |